MA in

Global Migration Studies

Become Equipped to Serve People on the Move

Earn your MA in Global Migration in 10 months

The Master of Arts in Global Migration Studies equips you to minister, serve and work in a world where millions of people are on the move and cultures and cultural identities are rapidly changing.

People migrate from their countries of origin for business, to study or to find work. Many flee their homelands because of war, oppression or famine. Presently 1 in 78 people on earth are internally or externally displaced. This reality changes the way we think about global mission.

Are you serving in ministry among refugees, international students or immigrants? We will bring this program to you in a cutting-edge, interactive online format. Each online course is 8 weeks in length and is designed to work around your schedule. You’ll study in a cohort with other students and be taught by a recognized expert in the field.

You’ll take courses in understanding cultures, worldviews, world religions, mission and migration, the history and politics of migration, as well as practical courses in ministering to refugees and international students.

The Master of Arts in Global Migration Studies provides students with an understanding of global migration and the cultural, economic and spiritual impact on people on the move. This program further equips students to minister to refugees, asylum seekers, international students and other immigrants.



Next Start

Online – January 13, 2025

Credit Hours



School of Missions & Intercultural Ministry



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Campus Program Courses
Online Program Courses
Admission Requirements
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Career Opportunities

  • Cross-cultural Mission
  • International Student Ministry
  • Corporate Chaplaincy
  • Urban Church Planting
  • Local Church Ministry
  • Non-Profit Work
  • Refugee Resettlement
  • Academic Careers


At CIU, you’ll study with professors who are scholars of global migration and serve among refugees, international students and other immigrants.


The MA in Global Migration Studies provides students with an understanding of global migration and the cultural, economic and spiritual impact on people on the move.

100% Online

For online students, there is no requirement to come to campus but we are always happy to see you for a visit or when you come for graduation.

Meet the Faculty

Course Preview

In addition to the undergraduate core and other related courses, here is a glimpse at a few of the courses you will be taking in this program.

For a full list of courses related to this program, visit the Academic Catalog at one of the options below:

ICS 5830 Biblical Theology of Mission

You will engage in a comprehensive study of the biblical foundation for missions as it relates to the church’s missionary obligation before God to the world in both word and deed. Special attention will be given to exposing you to important issues within evangelical missiology today.

ICS 6024 Understanding Cultures & Worldviews

This course will enable you to understand the worldview assumptions that are foundational to a person’s belief systems and behavior patterns. You will analyze the culture and worldview of an ethno-linguistic or socio-economic grouping of people from a biblical worldview perspective. You will also consider elements of biblical contextualization.

ICS 5200 History and Politics of Migration

In this course, you will grasp the history of migration and the various reasons for it. Further, you will explore how governments and the United Nations have responded to and developed laws and resolutions regarding people on the move.

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