Benjamin Noonan

Professor of Old Testament and Hebrew
Seminary & School of Counseling


  • PhD, Hebrew Union College–Jewish Institute of Religion
  • MPhil, Hebrew Union College–Jewish Institute of Religion
  • MA, Wheaton College
  • BS, Wheaton College


Dr. Noonan joined the faculty of CIU’s Seminary & School of Counseling in 2014. He teaches Old Testament and Hebrew courses and is the faculty advisor for Grad Life Council and CIU’s Eta Beta Rho chapter. He has also taught courses at Evangelical Theological College (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia) and Seminario ESEPA (San José, Costa Rica). He loves to help students understand the world of the ancient Near East so they can better understand the Old Testament itself.

His service to the academic community includes being the editor for the Bulletin for Biblical Research Supplement Series and a member of the Exploring the Pentateuch research group. He is also a member of the Society of Biblical Literature, the National Association of Professors of Hebrew, the Institute for Biblical Research, the Tyndale Fellowship, and the Evangelical Theological Society.

Dr. Noonan is an avid fan of anything J.R.R. Tolkien and enjoys reading, hiking (especially in Rocky Mountain National Park), and playing piano. His wife, Jenn, also a PhD in Hebrew Bible, teaches for CIU as well. Together they raise their energetic and very creative daughter.

Selected Publications & Presentations


  • Hebrew Grammar Beyond the Basics: An Exegetical Syntax of the Old Testament (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Academic, forthcoming)
  • Advances in the Study of Biblical Hebrew & Aramaic: New Insights for Reading the Old Testament (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2020)
  • Non-Semitic Loanwords in the Hebrew Bible: A Lexicon of Language Contact, Linguistic Studies in Ancient West Semitic 14 (Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2019)
  • “Where Shall Wisdom Be Found?” A Grammatical Tribute to Professor Stephen A. Kaufman, co-edited with Hélène M. Dallaire and Jennifer E. Noonan (Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2017)

Book Chapters

  • “An Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat: The Style and Symbolism of Joseph’s Garment in Genesis 37,” in The Body: Adorned, Cultured, and Embodied, eds. Kristine Henriksen Garroway, Christine E. Palmer, and Angela Roskop Erisman (Cincinnati: Hebrew Union College Press, 2022), 319–360
  • “The Patriarchs’ Altar-Building as Anticipation of the Israelite Conquest,” For Us, But Not to Us: Essays on Creation, Covenant, and Context in Honor of John H. Walton, eds. Adam E. Miglio, Caryn A. Reeder, Joshua T. Walton, and Kenneth C. Way (Eugene, OR: Pickwick, 2020), 254–275
  • “Egyptian Loanwords as Evidence for the Authenticity of the Exodus and Wilderness Traditions,” in “Did I Not Bring Israel Out of Egypt?” Biblical, Archaeological, and Egyptological Perspectives on the Exodus Narratives, eds. James K. Hoffmeier, Alan R. Millard, and Gary A. Rendsburg, Bulletin for Biblical Research Supplement 13 (Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2016), 49–67

Journal Articles

  • “On the Efficacy of the Atoning Sacrifices: A Levitical Biblical Theology of Sacrifice,” Bulletin for Biblical Research 31 (2021): 285–318
  • “High-Handed Sin and the Promised Land: The Rhetorical Relationship between Law and Narrative in Numbers 15,” Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 45.1 (2020): 79–92
  • “Can Loanwords Be Used to Date Biblical Texts, and If So, How?” Journal for Semitics 29.2 (2020): 1-19
  • “Daniel’s Greek Loanwords in Dialectal Perspective,” Bulletin for Biblical Research 28 (2018): 575–603
  • “Unraveling Hebrew שַׁעַטְנֵז,” Journal of Biblical Literature 135 (2016): 95–101
  • “There and Back Again: ‘Tin’ or ‘Lead’ in Amos 7:7–9?” Vetus Testamentum 63 (2013): 299–307
  • “Did Nehemiah Own Tyrian Goods? Trade between Judea and Phoenicia during the Achaemenid Period,” Journal of Biblical Literature 130 (2011): 281-298
  • “Abraham, Blessing, and the Nations: A Reexamination of the Niphal and Hitpael ofברך  in the Patriarchal Narratives,” Hebrew Studies 51 (2010): 73–93

Blogs and Podcasts

Recognitions & Awards

  • ATS Innovation Grant, Association of Theological Schools, 2017
  • HUC-JIR Graduate Tuition Scholarship, Hebrew Union College, 2005–2009
  • Richard J. Scheuer Israel Archaeology Scholarship, Hebrew Union College, 2006
  • Magna cum laude Graduation Honors, Wheaton College, 2004
  • Randall D. Isaac Physics Merit Scholarship, Wheaton College, 2003–2004
  • Dean’s List Honors, Wheaton College, 2000–2005