MA in

Bible Teaching

Teach the Bible in a School Setting

This program prepares you to teach the Bible in a school setting. In three semesters of study (Fall, Spring, and Summer), you will build a knowledge of best educational practices and explore every aspect of Bible curriculum, from the “big-picture” to daily lesson plans.



Next Start

January 3, 2025

Credit Hours



College of Arts & Sciences



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Campus Program Courses
Online Program Courses
Admission Requirements
Cost & Aid

Career Opportunities

  • Public school districts in the United States
  • Christian schools in the United States
  • International schools all over the world
  • Government schools overseas
  • Bible institutes and colleges overseas
  • Church work such as youth ministry and Christian education

Understand Purpose

Understands the purpose of the Bible and how to prepare lessons and curriculum from the Bible that reflect that purpose, using sound principles of biblical interpretation.

Formulate Lessons

Formulates lesson and curricular objectives in line with the pattern of biblical revelation.

Design and Teach

Design and teach curricula that integrates biblical truth into major disciplines such as philosophy, family life, and church history on a secondary level.

Meet the Faculty

Course Preview

In addition to the undergraduate core and other related courses, here is a glimpse at a few of the courses you will be taking in this program.

For a full list of courses related to this program, visit the Academic Catalog at one of the options below:

EDU 5400 Principles of Bible Curriculum Design

This course covers principles of curriculum design with application to the preparation of curriculum for Bible teaching. Existing Bible curricula are evaluated in order to determine the philosophical basis for their construction. Students design original Bible courses and units on various grade levels for use in varied teaching environments. Prerequisite: Admission to the MABT program or Program Director approval.

EDU 5443 Directed Teaching in Bible

This course allows students to apply principles and methods of teaching in an extended classroom experience of observation and teaching under the supervision of an experienced teacher. Regular personal conferences with the cooperating teacher and the university supervisor are required. A directed teaching fee is charged. Prerequisites: Approval of professor.

EDU 5451 Methods of Teaching Bible

This course is a study of the methods of classroom instruction with specific application to using the Bible as the text. Preparation of material for teaching, including formulation of objectives; and preparing units and daily lesson plans is discussed.

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Areas of Study
Campus Undergraduate
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