Mission & Vision
To Know Him & To Make Him Known
Columbia International University (CIU) in Columbia, South Carolina has a vision to educate people from a biblical worldview to impact the world with the message of Christ.
Our mission is to prepare students for global leadership, empowering them to live out the message of Christ wherever they go. Through rigorous academic programs and a commitment to spiritual growth, CIU is dedicated to shaping leaders who will serve with faith and purpose.
Statement of Faith
CIU holds to a biblical Statement of Faith that serves as the foundation for everything we teach.
It is central to our identity as a Christ-centered institution, guiding our educational practices and spiritual life. We invite you to read the full Statement of Faith, which reflects our commitment to biblical truth and a gospel-centered worldview.
Full Statement of Faith
Teaching at Columbia International University is based on the great fundamentals of the Christian faith, all of which center in the person of Jesus Christ, our crucified, risen, and glorified Savior and Lord. The following, together with other Christian principles of doctrine and practice, including the affirmation of the full trustworthiness of Scripture, which in its original writing was verbally inspired and without error, shall be the basis of the faith and doctrine of the Columbia International University:
- The Bible is the inspired Word of God, the written record of His supernatural revelation of Himself to man, absolute in its authority, complete in its revelation, final in its content, and without any errors in its teachings.
- All men in their natural state are lost, alienated from God, spiritually dead: “All have sinned, and fall short of the glory of God” (Rom. 3:23).
- Salvation is only by grace, a free gift of God, through faith in the Lord Jesus, who died for our sins according to the Scriptures (1 Cor. 15:3). Those who thus receive Christ by faith have their sins forgiven (Eph. 1:7), their hearts cleansed (Acts 15:9), are born of the Spirit, become children of God (Jn. 1:12, 13), and are made new creatures in Christ (II Cor. 5:17).
- God is One God, Who reveals Himself in three Persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ, as the Scriptures affirm, is the Son of God and Son of man. He was born of a virgin and is Himself very God. The Scriptures also declare the deity and personality of the Holy Spirit.
- Our Lord Jesus rose from the dead in the same body that was laid to rest in the tomb (Jn. 20:25-27). The bodies of all believers who die will be raised from the dead, and they will receive an incorruptible body like unto His glorious body (I Cor. 15:53; Phil. 3:21). All other men shall be raised unto “the resurrection of judgment” (Jn. 5:28, 29).
- Christians, born of the Spirit, are to live the new life in the present power of the Spirit. “If we live by the Spirit, by the Spirit let us also walk” (Gal. 5:16-25; Col. 2:6). The Christian’s responsibility and his normal attitude of life is to yield himself to God (Rom. 6:13), trusting God to keep him.
- Christian “living” includes Christian service, the winning of souls around us, and the preaching of the Gospel in the uttermost parts of the earth. In carrying on this work there is needed the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit which is granted to every believer as he yields and trusts (Acts 1:8; I Cor. 12:7; Eph. 3:20; Acts 5:32). And in all of this service, prayer is to have the central place (Jn. 14:12-14; Eph. 6:18, 19).
- Jesus Christ will come again to earth the second time (Heb. 9:28), personally (Acts 1:11; I Thess. 4:16), bodily (Acts 1:11; Col. 2:9), and visibly (Matt. 26:64; Rev. 1:7). His coming will precede the age of universal peace and righteousness foretold in the Scriptures (Matt. 24:29, 30, 42; II Thess. 2:7, 8; Rev. 20:1-6). (Candidates for graduation need not affirm the premillennial position.)
Educational Philosophy
At CIU, we believe that education is an integrated process that encompasses the development of the whole person: spiritually, intellectually, and relationally.
Our educational philosophy reflects our commitment to Christ-centered learning that not only imparts knowledge but also nurtures faith, character, and service. We equip students to be effective leaders who engage in transformative work both locally and globally.
Explore our libraries and academic resources to support your academic journey:
Core Values
Authority of Scripture
The Bible is the ultimate foundation and the final truth in every aspect of our lives. We concentrate on mastering God’s Word, learning to understand its meaning and apply its teaching.
Victorious Christian Living
Victory in Christ comes to those who yield humbly to the Holy Spirit who makes us more like Him in our daily lives.
World Evangelization
“For God so loved the world He gave … ” We prepare each student to have an impact as part of the “missions team,” “whether in a sending church” or as one sent. The Holy Spirit dispenses blessings and works through us so that we are a blessing ourselves.
Prayer & Faith
The CIU community seeks joyful reliance upon God for material provision, victory over sin, growth in Christlikeness, and fruitfulness in ministry. Our relationship with Him is expressed in daily prayers of a loving and needy heart.
Evangelical Unity
Evangelical unity means accepting other Christians of evangelical conviction, regardless of denominational or theological affinity, for purposes of fellowship, encouragement, edification and ministry.