Fall Fiesta Time!

October 30, 2024

By Shoshanna Crompton, CIU Student Writer

Fall Fiesta Friday night was a cloudy, warm one, with drizzly rain making an appearance half-way through the Fall Fiesta party.

At 7 p.m., students trekked down the dark, candle-lit path to the Pavilion by the lake, surrounded by CIU’s acres of thick woods. Upon arriving, students were met with tables dotted with pumpkins waiting to be painted, fairy lights, a bonfire, the ingredients for s’mores, and a spread of a Tex-Mex feast. Spanish, Mexican, and Pop music added to the festive fiesta atmosphere. The more outgoing students led in line dances and partner swing-dances, while the calmer students sat quietly painting pumpkins or chatting around the bonfire with friends and peers. It was a loud, happy time of fellowship and fun.

The event was organized by Student Life’s REC Team — a group of fun-loving and creative student workers led by senior and Music major Alayna Brown. They developed the annual event using student feedback from previous Fall Fiestas and new ideas from new members.

Taking in the scene while sporting a sombrero was Student Body President Joel Baumgarten. Between bites of nachos, he described the night as “bright and bombastic.”

Health Sciences major Sarah Andrews grew up in Houston where she says “the fiestas that we threw down there were incredible and this is a little taste of home.”

“I’m really thankful for all the people that put so much hard work into it, it’s really clear that they worked really hard,” Andrews added.

After everyone had eaten and all pumpkins decorated, the lights were extinguished, except fairy lights and lasers of blue and purple. The music switched to songs that are universally paired with line dances. Experienced line dancers taught the steps to the uninitiated, so that everyone was having fun.

Among those in attendance was 2024 CIU alumnus and former Student Body President Miles Raven who dropped in.

“I love how all different kinds of students, from different classes, different cultures, can come together to have fun, eat some good Moe’s food, and listen to great music and dance,” said Raven. “I love that we have it out here in the woods so there’s a Fall-y feel and we got pumpkins everywhere. It’s just a great time of fun and fellowship — every year it’s awesome.”

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